Friday, February 15, 2008

had PE.
play basketball.
no kik.
everytime our team win utill sian. HAHAH!

had chemistry pratical test.
we thought gone case.
in the end. we so zai.
feel so clever . hohoho..

afterschool go home straight.
sleep all the way till 7pm.
prepare and meet gail and rachel at mall.
shop for ingredient.
then go to rachel house.
meet up with yixian
and had steamboat.

then around11 + gail go home
while the rest of us go void deck and slack.
benson & zhenyong came.
so i slack untill 12.15am
ask my father come fetch me home.

damn damn.
stupid nitendo.
keep hang.
first day only.
tmr want go change a new one.
hopefully can la.
if cannot then im like damn suay.
buy a shit nitendo.
tmr will be a long day~

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