Wednesday, December 27, 2006

actually want go sentosa with nerd they all but quarrel with my mother then have to go to eat together . then after eating meet vicky at my house bus-stop then go kovan eat mac.slack . then saw kenneth they all there. then go superbowl billard together . see them play . then go back mac eat again and go back billard again. slack till 12am then father come fetch me home.


wake up at 12 plus. then go hougang MRT meet gail rachel yixian ahkow pikachu. mrt to plaza sing. watch Night at the museum . but in the end we decided to go the cathay watch . while waiting for the show. we go eat at yakun . then my bag dirty and i ask gail pei me go toilet. and i ming ming saw someone walk behind me to another toilet but she say she never even saw anyone walk in the toilet. so whatever go back yakun . then the bread havent come. they actually forget about the bread. then very dulan . ahkow shout to them and scold them . then take away those break cause was late already . so we bring in and eat. hahas. damn funny la the movie.we were like laughing like hell. hahas. so after movie yixian suggest to go ktv so we hougang cc de ktv. cheaper. hahas. then glenn came also. so go sing. all the while me and pikachu keep singing la. LOL . then ahokow leave early cause of something . then continue sing till like 10.30pm then walk home.


eh i say i will update. but i think i forget what i did liao . hahas. i think i did meet vicky la . but forget go where.

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